DOTM – Luke Phillips

Tell Us About Yourself.

My Name is Luke Phillips. I grew up on a small farm in South West Victoria in a family of 6. Growing up on the farm I had plenty of room to explore, creating exciting adventures to enjoy every day.

Not much has changed today, I am now 36 working part time as a courier and automotive mechanic, whilst raising two young sons Zavier and Dominic with my amazing partner Helena. However, I still manage to get out exploring with my metal detector 2-3 times a week, shooting YouTube videos and looking for that next exciting treasure and adventure to enjoy.

What Interested/Attracted You To Buy Your First Metal Detector

What interested me to buy my very first metal detector was at first looking to locate and unearth some gold as an outdoors hobby on weekends with friends. However after locating my very first piece of gold and more after, I realised that metal detecting for me was more about looking to uncover the history instead. That was when I decided to buy a coin/relic hunting metal detector to see what old treasures I could unearth, save and learn from for the future.

When Did You Use Your Coiltek Coil First & How Did You Find This Experience

I first used my Coiltek Coils in August 2023. Running both the 15 inch round Coil and the 10×5 Coiltek Coil. My first time using both these coils I felt was exceptional. I was metal detecting around an 1850s burnt down homestead. So as you could imagine there was a lot of trash mixed in with the treasure that I wanted to find. The big 15 inch Coil was first put to use, working around the open paddocks and outskirts of the old homestead. Then the 10×5 was used right on top of the old burnt down homestead, with both Coils easily unearthing plenty of old coins and relics. Including a stunning 1916 Australian Silver Shilling, 11 old copper Pennies with one dating all the way back to 1863. Plus 23 horse tack buckles and 4 horse rein guides. All bucket lister finds for my first day out using and testing the new Coiltek Coils and I loved every moment!

How Has Metal Detecting Benefited Your Lifestyle

Metal Detecting has benefited my lifestyle in so many ways and not just through the things that I have found. Over the years I have had the privilege to meet and make lasting friendships with so many amazing like minded people. I have had the opportunity to travel to and explore hundreds of old abandoned places. Places that without metal detecting I possibly would never have had the opportunity to visit, experience or see. Not to mention unearthing, saving and learning so much fascinating history along the way. Metal detecting really is one of the most rewarding hobbies you can ever have in your lifestyle.

What Advice Would You Give To Someone Wanting To Start Metal Detecting

The best advice I could give for anyone wanting to start out metal detecting is to firstly, do your homework. Work out exactly what metal detector is right for you and what you are wanting to find. In my experience I started looking for the gold, then quickly realised I wanted to chase the coins and relics instead. Therefore having to transition later on. I also think the best thing to keep in mind is that not every day detecting is easy. Metal detecting is all about being able to get outdoors and enjoy your surroundings though, so don’t be discouraged when you have those less productive days out hunting and only return home with old rusty nails. Just try to enjoy the adventure the best you can as you go. The 3 P’s is what I always keep in mind when detecting too. Patience, Persistence & Perseverance.

Good Luck!

What Has Been Your Most Significant Experience Or Find To Date

Over the years I have been fortunate enough to have lots of significant finds and experiences with my metal detectors. However some of my favourite finds would have to be my Sydney minted 1856 Gold Half Sovereign and of course my 1583 Hammered English Sixpence featuring Queen Elizabeth 1st. Both of these coins were found right here in Victoria, Australia. The 1856 gold sovereign was located and unearthed at the front of an 1860s gold rush hotel in the Victorian Goldfields. However the 1583 hammered Sixpence was found whilst detecting at a small farm house site underneath a 150 year old tree. The current landowner mentioned that there was a massive family dispute with the original owners and the family broke up. Later pulling down the old house and dairy and selling the farm land off in the 1950s. Being a 440 year old coin and predating European settlement here in Australia by over 200 years, I can only presume that this 1583 hammered coin was once a family heirloom, transported over from England in the suitcase or pocket of the original family that settled the land in the 1880s then later lost. Finding these two coins would have to be my most significant experiences to date and what I love most about metal detecting, you just never know what that next signal under your coil is going to be.

Who Or What Inspired You To Start Detecting

I have always had a fascination with history throughout time. It doesn’t matter what history it relates to either, I just love learning and absorbing facts and interesting information when and where I can. So the thought of taking up some sort of prospecting or detecting hobby and the thoughts of what I could find, always had me intrigued. The inspiration to buy my very first metal detector first happened though when a long time friend came to visit me. Explaining that he had just bought a metal detector and was already starting to look for gold himself on the weekends. Finding gold, plus all sorts of wonderful lost items that I had never heard of or seen. Hearing of my friends’ experiences and super keen to get out there and give it a go myself, I went and purchased my very first metal detector the following week and my passion started to grow from there.