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1780 Spanish Coin Find

One last thing I must tell you about the 14 X 9 Elliptical Coil.

I was hunting with my son Nick as we always go together on weekends. We were in a Park I have been hunting for over 50 years. We had been there for about 3 hours and were about to head out for the day. I was under a 300-year-old tree, I have hunted around this tree many many times, I suddenly got a high tone and was stopped fast in my tracks. So as usual I had my son come over, to see if he could hear it with his machine. He was having trouble with it and said he wouldn’t dig it, that it sounded like Iron. I knew it was very deep and it sounded very good with the 14 x 9 Coiltec Coil. Nick walked away as I started to dig what seemed like forever, exposed at 11 inches down in the hole, was a silver round coin, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I called Nick back over to witness it in situ, and he said it was unbelievable he could barely hear it. It turned out to be the find of the day, and a find of a lifetime. It was a “Spanish One Reale Dated 1780″ minted in Mexico. If it were not for the Coiltek 14×9” Coil I also would have passed it by… Thank You for making such a great coil.

Coiltek does it again!

– Leighton Harrington