Good news for gold prospectors and treasure hunters around the globe…Whites Electronics exciting TDI SL pulse detector was intentionally designed to use any coil that Minelab pulse detectors use and Coiltek is a global leader in coil development.
Whites Electronics has many experienced gold prospectors and treasure hunters testing and evaluating the TDI SL for performance improvements and we have observed that the TDI SL is very competitive in price and operational capability in comparison with all other detector manufacturers.
This July 2016 Coiltek of Adelaide, Australia shipped four of their coils to us here in Oregon’s gold region for comparative evaluation on coil performance on the Whites Electronics TDI SL and the coils performed superbly in comparative testing.
First, the Coiltek Coils are obviously of the highest quality materials, very light weight and of extremely durable construction with an eye for engineering design detail.
Coiltek’s Coils deliver an impressive improved depth advantage plus a clear distinct target response at each target/depth tested. The testing was executed in very highly mineralized gold mine location that is too hot for any VLF gold detectors to operate properly.
Various target/coil depth combinations tested indicated a range from 5% to 12% depth improvement on gold nuggets from .05 gram to 10 grams plus Coiltek demonstrated improved distinct target response clarity with a sharper identification tone.
We are excited about an upcoming expedition test team to search for gold nuggets here in the Pacific Northwest in extreme mineralized region famous for large nuggets and will report more on the Coiltek performance.
Coiltek’s mission statement of “Optimizing Discovery” has proven to be reality.
Best to all,
Dennis Dickson
Metal Detector Specialist
Grants Pass, Oregon